Resume Writing Service
Best for real estate industry professionals short on time or stuck on direction. Outsource the design, construction, and content of your resume. After a deep dive consultation and information collection, we’ll provide you with a polished, institutional-quality resume that will best represent you and help you stand out in a competitive hiring environment.
Best for real estate industry professionals short on time or stuck on direction. Outsource the design, construction, and content of your resume. After a deep dive consultation and information collection, we’ll provide you with a polished, institutional-quality resume that will best represent you and help you stand out in a competitive hiring environment.
Best for real estate industry professionals short on time or stuck on direction. Outsource the design, construction, and content of your resume. After a deep dive consultation and information collection, we’ll provide you with a polished, institutional-quality resume that will best represent you and help you stand out in a competitive hiring environment.
What to expect:
Initial diligence zoom meeting with Arcana founder Stephanie Cummings. We’ll budget one hour to:
Review your current resume and experience.
Cover your experience and goals in depth.
Strategize on how to best position your resume to reach these goals and elicit a higher interest rate.
Advise on best practices for applying to positions, connecting with the right people, resume updates and distribution.
Explain next steps.
After our diligence zoom, you’ll receive an RFI to confirm any outstanding and important items (dates, metrics, titles, etc.).
Once the diligence and RFI have been completed, any follow up questions have been answered, it will take 3-5 business days for Stephanie to fully complete your resume.
We’ll confidentially retain your resume and details, and alert you to any opportunities with our clients that may be of interest to you.